

…so I’m not an economist, but I suspect I’m experiencing many of the same issues as those in Britain are experiencing when they voted out of the EU.  I live in Los Angeles.  One of the few things I love about LA is how cosmopolitan it is.  And that, being among the few things I love about it, compensates for the many things I don’t like about it (don’t get me started).  My brethren from here and all over the world is what has enriched this place to me.  When I see the “Brexit” folk being demonized and labeled as “xenophobe”, and, because I’m empathetic to the Brexit cause, it seems to me the media is failing to parse out and understand and therefore portray, with any diplomacy, what the real issues may be.

I don’t doubt that immigration lends itself to the issue in Britain, but I definitely see the global political-economic engineers (a.k.a. profiteers) as the demon.  Again, although I’m not an economist, I suspect that the elite in our global economy have bundled our efforts, our work, our savings, our student loans, our mortgages (once again), and our retirement accounts; our general livelihood, the same way as it bundled and leveraged our mortgages up to the 2008 collapse (that was just field practice) – funneling the gain for themselves and democratizing the risk to the rest of us – and effectively subscribing the middle class to its own deflation.  Thus, the profit margin of my life savings (which benefits me less than 1%) gets exploited and bundled into larger profit-bearing enterprises for the global elite:  exploiting the underpaid worker in China (or anyplace else), exploiting the environment, or waging war.  No doubt the Brexit vote is protectionist, but I trust Britain’s vote indicates, even more so, that it DOES care about democracy and it doesn’t care to revisit it’s own feudal history.  Carry on!

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders addresses attendees during a campaign rally at Saint Mary's Park in Bronx, New York

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders addresses attendees during a campaign rally at Saint Mary’s Park in Bronx, New York March 31, 2016. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY – RTSD35E

Great article by Ron Fournier:  http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/04/the-business-of-disrupting-politics/479172/

Change is going to come.

I think we have a critical mass here.  Where the electoral process – establishment politics – is not sufficiently acknowledging one-person-one-vote.  We need a national special-election:  an independent party primary between Sanders and Trump.

Awesome photo from The Atlantic.  “Kuhdoos” to the photographer:  Lucas Jackson.




Today’s news is a glimmer of sunlight in this trickle-down economic cave so many of us are living in.  No doubt it’s a glimmer of hope to hear a leader, (a world leader?) pick up the gauntlet and address the status-quo / the power structure and say, “enough – (basta)!” of the inequality and growing poverty that is a result of unbridled capitalism and to remind us of the value of humanity over profit (“A New Tyranny“).


…if ordering a 4-year supply of “I voted” stickers to wear everyday would be tactless, but those Republican sociopaths (pardon the tautology) have really raised the bar on what’s considered gauche.

“What foreclosure crisis?”

Speaking of corporate takeovers, what’s up with Huffington Post (a.k.a. “HuffPost” which I can’t help calling “PuffHost” or “PuffHo” now)?  Is it the relatively recent merger with AOL that has lowered the rung on what and how “stories” are headlined?  When I check in for the read on the political climate, I’m finding the news in the center column accompanied with any T&A story they can scare up over in the right column.  The graphics seem to be conveniently laid out as well so that politico’s are grinning and leering at the latest “wardrobe malfunction” – their line of sight, extending beyond the frame of the photo, conveniently lines up with the latest photo of a “nip-slip” story.  Even The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart has resorted to calling it the “Sideboob Gazette.”  It’s become the open forum for any slighted starlet to garner free publicity by walking out of her house without wearing a bra.  Ultimately, when reading news at home makes me want to adjust my bra strap or makes me feel like I’m reading a rag that grown men still living in their mothers’ basements read, it’s time to move on.  One concession though, when KimK or Victoria Beckham manage an alternate facial expression, THAT I gotta see.  Now there’s some real PuffHo headline news.

Meanwhile, I’ve found that The New Republic, The Atlantic, and NPR have more respect for their readers.

Aah!  The power of the metaphor:  “corporations are people.”  Not only can a mere metaphor become a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, it has overturned a century-old Montana ruling that restricted the proven, corrupt effects corporate spending has on politics.  But our U.S. supreme court has taken a decidedly literary turn favoring metaphors over the wisdom gleaned from history and legal precedent.

If corporations are people, it seems like a pretty uneven playing field when it comes to the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  And if money is free speech, more power and influence to those who can afford the megaphones.  And what about people-people in this grand poetic?  If corporations are people, then do real people, in this poetic scale-shift, become the mere blood vessels and neurons? – flowing the nutrients and oxygen, transmitting the dopamine and endorphins to keep those corporate bodies happy and functioning and in the game?  No doubt the supreme court ruling permits corporations to be the player and sidelines the real citizen, the voter.

If court rulings are reasoned by metaphors, then our U.S. Supreme Court is comprised of poet laureates.  Wisdom lost.

Romney Antoinette

Who knew that asking for a presidential candidate’s tax returns would be the new “Don’t ask don’t tell.”  I guess he’s just not that into the middle class.

Just what do you want?!  What is your message?  What are your demands?:  questions asked by those in the media as though the cumulative effect of co-opting our government and, effectively, our economy over decades into corralling the rest of us into financial pillories can be distilled into a single grievance when our life’s earnings have been distilled into a few gold-plated door knobs in the Hamptons (or elsewhere)…?.  The fundamental here is demonstrating our awareness; eyeing the enemy:  corporate power and their greed – financial thuggery.

I’m posting to share my awareness.

July 2003 I decided to start throwing money at a retirement account.  I was finally in a position where deferring taxable income while I still paid off student loans actually yielded a modest gain (taxes higher than loan interest rate).  Also, the account value was supposed to grow with the economy.  Guess what?  8+ years later it turns out that if I could have put away that money in my own personal tax-shielded, savings account (if such a thing existed for Main Street savers) and at the CURRENT savings interest rate, my balance would be in the same, if not better place.  Although I am forgetting the formulae learned in several calculus classes, I have reason to believe I would have been better off if given the higher savings rate returns at the time, earlier in my account.  As one of the 99% I demand a tax-deferred personal savings account (at my local credit union).  I want to cut out the fat-cat Wall Street  middle-man handling my retirement savings / masturbating my money into their personal mega-mansions.  Personal savers would get taxed on withdrawals and accounts can be personally prioritized based on need:  retirement, unemployment, disability, etc. while incentivizing personal savings in general.  Until something like this happens, I have to pay my fees to the top 1% for a 1%-gain-retirement account or pay my taxes to close the account which will end up in the same fat-cat paws anyway (bailing out the too-big-to-fail failures / income pimps).

Meanwhile, at the time when I’m being approached about retirement accounts, my husband and I are being told we need to buy a house.  NOW is the time.  Interest rates were dropping and values were going up:  house values, supposedly, never decline.  In fact, here in West LA house values more than doubled in less than 4 years (2002-2006).  But LA’s unemployment rate was 6% at the time – significantly above the national rate of 2% for a healthy  national economy.  Hmmm – what exactly am I being urged to signup for?  My other demand is for the 99%:  have some critical awareness.  Quit being a God-forsaken lamb lead to slaughter.  Know the field and know what you’re signing up for!

When we’re living in a country where, after 9/11, nearly 3,000 people died (immediately) and our president tells us to “go shopping,” you have to know something’s gone awry.  All I can fathom is that our economy is in the hands of global-economy casino lords.  In this global system you’re either a gambler, a slave, or one of the 1%.  And given this scale and concentration of power, our corralled earnings can amount to little more than a few gold-plated door knobs somewheres:  http://www.losangelesdailynews.org/now-shy-of-glitz-owner-to-sell-mansion/

First of all, wherever there’s blame there’s a failure to take responsibility.  Take responsibility:    divest from the corporation.  Save your hard-earned money! Support your local credit union and KNOW their structure.  Don’t use plastic, debit or credit, use cash.  Shop local:  farmer’s market, crafts market.  Either grab the Wall Street bull by the horns and know how to join the 1%, or recognize the bull markets for the bull-shit bubble markets that they really are (bull farts then?).  Balance, if not prosperity, lies beyond Wall Street.

And so my questions are these:  what do the financial services sector produce really (other than the fees they take playing investors off one another)?  How is this sector relevant to the GDP – gross domestic product?  Fundamentally, what is the financial services sector producing other than money ethers?  What, really (in a GDP sense), is the cost-benefit ratio of saving banks that are running on ether?  Is it me or has the cost clearly outweighed the benefit?  I think we all know the benefit is limited to “1%” (in all it’s iterations).

I don’t suspect there’s anyone out there:  not Bernanke, not Geithner, not Paulson, and Bloomberg seems to be in denial, etc. who realizes just how inflated the financial services sector is and so the rest of us, the 99% pays.  And so all we can do for now is occupy:  recognize the vacancy or lack of will until there is a breakthrough.  Just what does the top 1% contribute?  Floating jobs in fee-based ether to mitigate the unemployment demand? – a modest show of responsibility when you’re in cahoots with the government anyway.

Thank you occupiers!

Is it me? because it seems to me that this whole debt ceiling angst can be solved by threatening to propose a bill that taxes credit-rating agencies (since they stand to cut America’s triple-A credit rating). Really, if you take the Republican’s modus operandi one step further, it’s not just me.

And where was the veracity of these credit rating agencies when they triple-A rated mortgage-backed securities????  I suspect in the pockets of the top 1% that finance the Republicans.

Our "too big to fail" CEO's

They cornered the market on collective bargaining rights too.

Keep up the fight Wisconsin!

The “Big Zero” decade may be over, but there’s still no escape hatch from this pyramid scheme of an economy.  We’re still beset with deflated (if not vaporized) retirement accounts, paying mortgages that are more than the home’s worth, paying usurious interest and fees to the big credit card banks – to get by, paying premium health insurance rates to health insurance companies that will ditch you as soon as you sneeze, and keeping our chins above or below the water of record unemployment.

Essentially, what started off as “trickle down” economics and deregulation of the Reagan Era has spun (with the reversal of the Glass-Steagall act of the Clinton era followed by Bush era “go shopping” leadership and Greenspan’s interest rate reductions) into Wall Street alchemy :  while the middle class was studiously diversifying their earnings into:  1.   failsafe savings & mortgage; 2. insurances; 3.  retirement; 4.  (if affordable) investment; the boys in the smoke-filled back room stirred 1 through 4 (savings, insurance, and investment) into one big usurious, fraudulent bank.  Additionally, not only did they restrict the safety-valve (vest) bankruptcy clause out of the financial contract, our interest rates on our savings went bear-market too.  Trickle down economics has become a washed up economy.  We’re all victims of this economic Katrina.  Slavery may have been sanitized by exporting it to overseas sweatshops, but while we were charging up our credit cards with dollar-store tchochkes, Wall Street seduced our government into prostituting the middle class and delivering it into middleman slavery.

Obama may be President, but here is our Pharoah (Lloyd Blankfein, CEO, Goldman Sachs:  doing, as his holier-than-thou-self says, “God’s work”):  

This guy’s so enrapt with his financial jihad that he can’t see the water rising.

Fortunately, among the sentient, there is Elizabeth Warren rendering the financial fiasco for what it is with her article America Without a Middle Class.  Additionally, tune into Huffington Post’s “Move Your Money” if you’re interested in undermining the big bank alchemy and supporting local lending.

It surprises me that for all the  financial “talent” lost and dispersed from the big investment banks that closed down through the financial crisis (Bear Stearns et al) that no one has developed the infrastructure to facilitate microlending in our own country.  Between the gaseously high risk of the stock market and the one-point-something percent savings rate of CD’s, I’d love to help chip away at the big banks’ fangs and buy someone else’s debt at half (or anything better than one-point-something percent) the interest rate being paid – if there was some safe (for both parties – no thuggery), secure, insured way to lend money directly.  We have Paypal, we have Kiva Lending, why don’t we have something to help our fellow citizens out?  That’s REAL deregulation.

Happy New Year and New Decade!  Goodbye “Big Zero” (Blankfein), this decade the dime is ours!

It’s not what you think. Thankfully, I’m not in debt. In fact, I’m a “deadbeat”. …Still…, it’s not what you think (per dictionary definition). I pay my credit card in full, on time, because I refuse to pay fees (because I refuse to pay “the man”) which, by credit-card-company definition, makes me a “deadbeat”. So what makes me “in the red” on Black Friday?  It’s “Buy Nothing Day” that one day of the year otherwise designated for abstinence from the capitalist consumption machine.  If that sounds a tad Marxist, that works for me and that’s why “I’m in the red” on Black Friday – a day well spent not spending.

It’s actually pretty tricky to figure out what to do and how to entertain yourself without spending

money -particularly in LA.  In general, “going out” costs. Nevermind the expense of gas or commuting, just parking your car begs for a fine:  $9 to hang out downtown on the weekend; $5 to park to take a hike.  Fortunately it’s free to park and watch the planes land at LAX.  It’s also pretty awesome to watch jet-engine machinery hurdle over you just a few (seemingly) feet above, and then there’s the experience of the shock-scale 747 lumbering over you:  it’s otherworldly – “priceless”  …for everything else there’s shoes.  Those  I’ll purchase on “cyber-Monday.”  I’m not a saint.

P.S.:  Here’s the Marxist Holiday video list (to watch while everyone else is out shopping):  Maxed Out, In Debt We Trust, Walmart:  The High Price of Low Cost, Power and Terror:  Noam Chomsky, Enron:  The Smartest Guys in the Room, What Would Jesus Buy?, and my extra-fave, Manufacturing Consent:  Noam Chomsky and the Media.

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